During our recent trip, we dived at Si Amil and Denawan islands.
Both these islands are nearby each other, but a 45 minutes boat ride from Mabul, where we were staying at.
The beautiful Denawan
Like Sipadan, these islands have a "security post" at the jetty, where the Tentara Laut DiRaja Malaysia are based to protect us, and our waters from alien invasion.
While doing our surface interval at Denawan, a military boat docked.
We soon found ourselves on it! Of course we asked Mr. Army Men for permission first lah!
It was hillarious! I mean, it's not everyday you find yourself riding on a military boat, no?
The seats, we had to straddle as though horseback riding. And there are even stirrups where we can slide our foot into!
Some people even went to try out the "driver's seat".
Alas, that wasn't allowed.
And he was gunned down.
Question - what does RIB 7K stand for?
We thought it might mean Rubber Inflatable Boat.